It was so hard to get a shot of this beautiful girl without 50 crackheads in the background/foreground. Sweet, sweet Civic Center. I really love her belt, actually. Even though her shirt is beautiful and the pant is perfect, the belt really polishes the whole look. She had a beautiful ring too, that you can just barely make out in the photo.
This skirt is so beautiful, I love what she has done with the whole outfit. I rarely wear T-shirts or skirts, but this look makes me want to wear both. The print is just really lovely. I love her invisible hands too! So so cute.
Great little tooth necklace. Something interesting but easy to wear everyday.
I love the slightly chicken-wire print on this girl's dress. This dress could easily be very dressy, I love silk dresses worn casually. Of course her little tennies are adorable as well.
This girl's necklace is so killer, its very DIY, in the good way. Her whole look is so unique. I ran into her on my way to work today, so don't be surprised if you see her again grace my pages.
Sorry to bore you again with a car, but it's Tin Tin!! I was deprived of popular culture as a child, so I got Tin Tin instead. I swear I don't care about cars, but these beauties keep showing up!
So again, no men. I see a lot of stylish men around the city, but none inspiring me enough to take their picture. Please provide me with feedback. Do you want more men? I could do it, but I promise it'd be mostly boring. I'll try harder to find some stunners, I promise, but don't think I'm not!