I don't really care about cars much, but this car is pure street fashion! The color is amazing. This is what my bike would look like if it was a car.
I love this girl's colors. Her sweater had these great little rosettes all over it, on the elbows. I only saw them after she walked away.
This is her friend, cute little white dress. What really caught my eye about these girls were their necklaces.
They were both wearing this necklace. Turns out they're designers and have a shoe and jewelery company out of Japan! Their website didn't work so hot for me, but check it out: sellenatela.com
This guy, Crockett, was selling his neat, tiny little paintings on Hayes street. I asked if I could take his picture, and he was like "You want it in the van?" I had no knowledge of a van. But now I do, Crockett and his girlfriend are based in SF, but drive around recording music, making art and living out of this amazing little renovated van. So amazing. Check out their site, drawingwhiledriving.com. Apparently their blog has been assassinated, but the video that loads is the cutest thing alive.
These are the paintings. cute.
I hunted this guy down for an embarrassing number of blocks. I finally caught up to him got his picture on the traffic median. His look is basic, but the sparkly sneakers and weird T-shirt set it off. I didn't notice till right now that the guy on his shirt is wearing two different shoes.
Neat shoes.
This girl is so festive! I need more colorful purses. She was chewing on a toothpick, which I adore.
Life-changing sunglasses that she said she got at General 54 a boutique in Montreal. So if you're in Canada anytime soon you could score some amazing stuff.
This girl's look is so clean and effortlessly put together. I think its the stripes and straw-ish hat that caught my eye.
I saw this middle-aged woman near civic center today that was wearing what I perceived to be a really chic, neutral colored layered look. Very Lilith. I approached her and said "Excuse me..." in my tiny little nice girl voice that I use when harassing strangers on the street. She gave me the most terrified and aghast look ever! It was then I realized she was not chic, but crazy! This is the danger of the whole area of market between Franklin and Powell. So many people wearing great, interesting outfits, but they're all just crazy!! Some brave individual could do a whole street fashion blog just on these people. I avoid them, great looks, but not worth the spittle.