Love this. Whoever Dracula is, they always come creative!
Straight up Safeway. I love pretty much everything about this fellow. He's clearly feeling the weather just as much as I am.
This little strappy number he had on, Amazing! I have no idea what the real purpose of this could possibly be.
His friend is also named Megan! I love her little belt and the pleated skirt.
I'm usually not one to be lured in by matchy bike.. But this girl just looked so perfectly co-ordinated with it. She reminded me of Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes somehow, with Bart Simpson's lucky red cap on. She's cool.
I'm sorry to post so many non-fashion pictures, but this is so fucking ridiculous I just had to share. These shitty weird pipes were all over Safeway, all duct taped together and creepy. Very Brazil, the movie, not the country.