Last night, I was riding my bike home from my friend's house-warming/birthday dinner party/real party. I was stopped at a light, right across the street from my home, wearing this scarf. An SUV stopped next to me and an angry looking red faced white guy stuck his head out the window and asked me so so hatefully and seriously, "Are you a terrorist?!" I was so confused, so I told him no, with a confused/annoyed look. He told me that I look like a terrorist with my scarf on, equally as hatefully. A terrorist!?!? It's a Japanese scarf that is one of my treasured treasures. I have rarely if never really seen legitimate racism and fearful hate. This guy was the real deal, he really hates terrorists. It was an intense interaction to say the least.
Last Night
Last night, I was riding my bike home from my friend's house-warming/birthday dinner party/real party. I was stopped at a light, right across the street from my home, wearing this scarf. An SUV stopped next to me and an angry looking red faced white guy stuck his head out the window and asked me so so hatefully and seriously, "Are you a terrorist?!" I was so confused, so I told him no, with a confused/annoyed look. He told me that I look like a terrorist with my scarf on, equally as hatefully. A terrorist!?!? It's a Japanese scarf that is one of my treasured treasures. I have rarely if never really seen legitimate racism and fearful hate. This guy was the real deal, he really hates terrorists. It was an intense interaction to say the least.