I spotted this girl from the back. I love how she was wearing the granny style shawl actually as a shawl, and not as a scarf. I also love the mix of the leather (faux?) and floral and knit. Mixed textures always make for a great outfit. I wonder if she made the line on her stocking wrap around on purpose? It looks neat.
This girl looked great from the back too. I love the blousey shirt with the hard denim overalls. Its a very creative and adventurous mix. Her socks are great too. Great color.
These kids from the School of Rock in SF were playing at Union Square! I was wandering around down there and all of a sudden I heard Dead Kennedys and I was so confused to hear California Uber Alles in front of Saks. It was these kids playing all these classic rock songs! These two were by far the best, and really had the rockstar thing down pat at the tender age of what..nine??