This guy has great shoes and jewelery on, although you can't really see them because the picture is so washed out.
July Twenty-Fourth, Two-Thousand and Eight
This guy has great shoes and jewelery on, although you can't really see them because the picture is so washed out.
July Twenty-First, Two-Thousand and Eight
July Twentieth, Two Thousand and Eight
This girl has so much look. So much color and just...bam. Love it.
This lady is amazing. I love her Vivienne Westwood style hair, the whole look she has going on is impeccable. Check out her flickr for endless amazing pictures.
This girl is just so put together. I love a fit that is very toned down and class, then a big old statement bag. fun.
OK. I know this isn't Fashion, and these guys are literally construction workers, but I love Carharts!!
July Nineteenth, Two-Thousand and Eight
This girl is so sweet. I love how her lip color matches her jacket.
This gentleman told me that he had only been in the country for two months. He's looking sharp. So many well dressed non-American men in Union square.
I love the fabric that this girl's dress is made out of. Its a pattern that is associated with wools, but it is on a sheer silk or poly.
I like the floral that this girl is wearing. But I also like her baggy army style jacket. I was wearing one when I took this picture.
Last Night
Last night, I was riding my bike home from my friend's house-warming/birthday dinner party/real party. I was stopped at a light, right across the street from my home, wearing this scarf. An SUV stopped next to me and an angry looking red faced white guy stuck his head out the window and asked me so so hatefully and seriously, "Are you a terrorist?!" I was so confused, so I told him no, with a confused/annoyed look. He told me that I look like a terrorist with my scarf on, equally as hatefully. A terrorist!?!? It's a Japanese scarf that is one of my treasured treasures. I have rarely if never really seen legitimate racism and fearful hate. This guy was the real deal, he really hates terrorists. It was an intense interaction to say the least.
July Seventeenth, Two Thousand and Eight
July Sixteenth, Two-Thousand and Eight
I spotted this girl from the back. I love how she was wearing the granny style shawl actually as a shawl, and not as a scarf. I also love the mix of the leather (faux?) and floral and knit. Mixed textures always make for a great outfit. I wonder if she made the line on her stocking wrap around on purpose? It looks neat.
This girl looked great from the back too. I love the blousey shirt with the hard denim overalls. Its a very creative and adventurous mix. Her socks are great too. Great color.
These kids from the School of Rock in SF were playing at Union Square! I was wandering around down there and all of a sudden I heard Dead Kennedys and I was so confused to hear California Uber Alles in front of Saks. It was these kids playing all these classic rock songs! These two were by far the best, and really had the rockstar thing down pat at the tender age of what..nine??
July Fifteenth, Two-Thousand and Eight
I usually don't like sandals on men, but that is because they are usually (unfortunately) flip-flops. This guy has the male sandals down pat, they fit him and suit him perfectly, and look great because he's not all beachy and wearing shorts. The shirt has great piping detail all around it. Just a great, polished, guy look. So so rare.
Thoughts on NY
So I was in NY for about five days with my little brother and took ONE picture. Why wasn't I snapping hundreds of pictures like I thought I would? Mainly because me and the brother were running around trying to do tourist things, but also because everyone in NY dresses SO fashionably, I was super overwhelmed, and admittedly intimidated by many of the people I saw. Who were also inevitably on headphones or cellphones. What I really want to do now, is go to NY JUST to take pictures for my blog, and nothing else. I would have gotten no where with my brother, stopping every Tom Dick and Harry on the street. Seriously though, people dress so overwhelmingly better over there it makes my job of finding the ONE person out of 20 in SF who is cute much harder. It is a different hunt over there.

This is the one picture I took. And yes, she was as seemingly displeased with me stopping her as she looks. After that awkward exchange I was even further put off.
People in NY are so very friendly, don't get me wrong. People say sorry to me as they walk past. Literally. But everyone is very much in their own bubble as they go place to place. People in SF are 90% of the time extremely flattered when I stop them for a picture. New Yorkers seemed like they would be more confused and inconvenienced.
So thats my New York experience. I am going back and I am going to try MUCH harder next time. I deeply regret not taking more pictures, because I saw some pretty great examples of style. My favorite was a young guy I saw on the subway, who had ripped the collar off a basic white button-down, rendering it modern, casual and summery.
This is the one picture I took. And yes, she was as seemingly displeased with me stopping her as she looks. After that awkward exchange I was even further put off.
People in NY are so very friendly, don't get me wrong. People say sorry to me as they walk past. Literally. But everyone is very much in their own bubble as they go place to place. People in SF are 90% of the time extremely flattered when I stop them for a picture. New Yorkers seemed like they would be more confused and inconvenienced.
So thats my New York experience. I am going back and I am going to try MUCH harder next time. I deeply regret not taking more pictures, because I saw some pretty great examples of style. My favorite was a young guy I saw on the subway, who had ripped the collar off a basic white button-down, rendering it modern, casual and summery.
July Thirteenth, Two-Thousand and Eight
Okay, so this is kind of cheating. These girls are styled for a photo-shoot for a new vintage shopping site of theirs. But they're so SO cute and all wearing fits that COULD be street worn. So we get five for the price of one. I'm sure you can see oodles of better shots on the website. But I have to say that my favorite fit of the bunch is the little one on the end. You really have to be tiny to pull off wacky over-sized shit like that. I also really like the pseudo creepers that the girl on the other end is wearing. But I really hate fur, its so archaic and visually ugly. Wouldn't she be so much cuter in a chunky, over-sized knit? Fur is the only part of fashion that I truly despise.
July Twelfth, Two-Thousand and Eight
I've told myself a million times, if I see another gladiator sandal...But, I secretly bought a less buckle-y pair myself and it seems that they are not to be escaped from. What I really love about this girl is that she is perhaps unknowingly, wearing them with the colorful floral that Nicolas Ghesquiere originally mixed with this harsh styled shoe. I also am way into her intense eye make up. You can't really tell, but her dress has a drawstring bottom, I love anything with a drawstring, its an easy way to make something more interesting.
How cute is she? Love the sandals, I think my mom had a pair, and I'm always looking for them in my size. I also love this stripey shirt on her, great colors to bring out her amazing hair color.
P.S. See my new Sound of Music hat on her left.
I love what a beach bum this girl looks like. The cute little ratty sneakers are the final touch. She's a L.A. mermaid.
New York
I'm so, so sorry that I have blessed you with exactly zero pictures from New York. I have a ton of excuses, none of them good. Except for maybe that its so hot my brain is not smart enough to stop people in time.
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