I love this girl's proportions. The over-sized look really suits petite frame when done right. She was on her way to Venus Superstar.
The colors in this girl's top really caught the corner of my eye as I passed her. I love the pose in front of the neon sign. She's wearing a neat feather necklace. Turns out she's a friend of my friend who's friend makes the necklaces. Does that make sense?
I saw this kid a few times and was debating whither I could have a picture of a drug rug on Fit To Be Tied. What can I say? The right colors get me every time.
Love. The. Pants. And of course she wasn't American.
Rico, your hair is amazing. As are your magical little talismans. This is a great shirt for men, long and skinny, wish more guys would try this out. Check out Rico's website to download his play list
You can't see that well in the picture, but this beautiful British girl has real money sewn to the front of her shirt. Her hair was so perfect. Pompadour in the front, and asymmetrical fade in the back.
Another beautiful Brit, although this pic is not the most flattering. I need to learn to take multiples.