This lovely girl has the red white and blue look down pat. I love the sailor pants, the bangs, and the little red shoe. Nautical without being obvious.

This is my favorite picture of the day. I saw this girl across the street, so I anxiously waited for the traffic to desist, so I could cross the street. She was almost getting away! She crossed the street just as I did, and I quickly turned around to catch up to her. I love the color of her tights contrasted with the colors in her dress. Which she created! Her name is Jenny, email her to buy her dresses at knowwhere@yahoo.com.

Carmen looks so tough, when she turned out to be shy, it made me blush. Another perfect red white and blue look. Wish I had gotten a picture of the necklace. Also wish I could afford to shop at Gimmie Shoes.

Another designer! This girl said that she wasn't so comfortable having her picture taken, so I said I could cut off her face, now that I look back, I should have just made her more comfortable, because she had an amazing asymmetrical haircut. You can check out her designs at tincwear.com. They are organic, sustainable and beautiful. I would love to work or intern for a designer like Savannah.

Patrick said I flattered him when I stopped him for a picture. Please! Patrick, your outfit is impeccable, down to the toe. I wish I had one pair of pants that fit me that well. I love this polished look for men, its so rare to find in this city.